1147 24 Road, Grand Junction, CO • Open Monday-Friday 7:30am-4pm

Irrigation Provider Search

Grand Valley Water Users Association

Irrigation Provider Search

Provider Name
Provider Address
Provider Phone

GVWUA operates the Cameo Diversion Dam, the 55-mile-long Government Highline Canal, and 150 miles of piped and open laterals, providing irrigation water to more than 23,000 acres of land from Indian Wash near 28 1/2 Road to 5 Road northwest of Mack.

Notice of Stockholders Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the GRAND VALLEY WATER USERS ASSOCIATION is called and will be held at the Grand Valley Water Users Association Office Building at 1147 24 Road, Grand Junction, Colorado, on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

Lunch will be served at noon and the business session will begin promptly at 12:30 P.M. It is urged that you attend in person. If you are unable to attend, please give your signed proxy to a stockholder who is going to attend, to the end that a quorum will be present. If such an individual is designated, they must be present at the meeting in order to vote your proxy. Please see your proxy form for more details

 Annual Meeting Agenda

View our annual meeting agenda below.

2025 Ann Mtg Agenda revised 01 11 25

2025 Irrigation Season

Zebra Mussels

Click link below for plan details

Zebra Mussels and the Government Highline Canal

As we respond to this new threat, we appreciate our water user’s diligence and willingness to keep an eye out for anything that appears suspect to them. Zebra mussels can cause extensive and expensive damage to our system unlike anything we’ve deal with before.

The picture taken on the paper towel are of native Corbicula clams not zebra mussels. The picture of the mussel on the person’s hand are zebra mussels and the pest we need you to watch for!

We would rather you send us pictures of native, non-harmful species and risk being wrong then send no pictures at all!

Never hesitate to reach out to our office staff at info@gvwua.com or your ditch rider with questions or concerns.

image000000 007
ZebraMussels3.Credit DaveBrittonUSFishandWildlifeService DESKTOP GHVM11J


Online water request tool for
GVWUA Irrigation Customers


– With H2Order, customers can order irrigation water online

– Enter meter readings and flow rate changes using your phone, tablet and other devices

– Receive H2Order confirmations by e-mail (or text via cell number)

– Track water usage with data in your confirmation emails

– Give it a try today

– With H2Order, customers can order irrigation water online

– Enter meter readings and flow rate changes using your phone, tablet and other devices

– Receive H2Order confirmations by e-mail (or text via cell number)

– Track water usage with data in your confirmation emails

– Give it a try today

Ditch Rider Contact Information

Your Ditch Rider is your first point of contact
for any irrigation water

Ride #1 28 ½ Rd to 24 ½ Rd    Lateral 0 to 14 Tom: 970-242-6438

Ride #2 24 ½ Rd to 19 Rd     Lateral 15to 33.5 Rd Kyler: 970-858-7519

Ride #3 19 Rd to 13 Rd     Lateral 34 to 46.5Mike: 970-858-7374

Ride #4 13Rd to 6Rd     Lateral 47 to 57Jeff: 970-858-7236

Important Info

Online Payments Now Available

– Online payment options are now available. The Pay Now button is at the top right corner of this Home page, or use the link below.

Please Note: Convenience fees apply.

– GVWUA will continue to accept mail in checks, and in person payments. All credit card transactions will include convenience fees.

2025 Assessments

Please note – unpaid Assessments are past due as of January 31st.  1% interest accrues monthly.

Accounts not paid are subject to being locked from water access.

Liens will also be filed on unpaid accounts in June.  A $200 Lien Release fee applies.

Assessment Rate Classification

GVWUA’s Assessments are based on irrigable acres or “Class 1 Acres” as determined by the Bureau of Reclamation. Assessment rates are then classified by the number of Class 1 Acres and the land use. Land that has been Developed but left in the Agricultural Classification is being moved to the Developed Assessment rate.

Assessments must be paid prior to the beginning of the 2025 irrigation season to receive water.

January 2022 Development Services Fees

GVWUA observes these holidays:

New Year’s Day

Presidents Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Thanksgiving Day

Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Day